From a group about which there is still much to learn. By that time, virtually all military swords were made to standard patterns or at least, with recognizable common features. In America, most military swords were imported. The pressure of the Revolution fostered the manufacture of a great array of swords, from crude modifications and clumsy hand made as well as better to fine creations. This sword, however is from an earlier group which are bound by their specific peculiarities including bone grips and forged shell guards. Visually, they are unmistakably related to each other and unrelated to any others. Examples include Swords and Blades of the American Revolution, Neumann, 364.S, 365.S and 366.S, Weapons of the American Revolution, Moore, E-73 and Arms and Armor in Colonial America, Peterson, plate 256 bottom. Neumann identifies the first two as European/American and the third as American. Moore identifies his as American and Peterson identifies his as American, naming the maker. This example has a forged iron guard incorporating a side guard, even more rare among the group. The blade is 29 ¾”, curved, back fullered, chiseled with the Solingen running wolf and dated 1743 each side. Blade such as this were imported to America for mounting and unmounted specimens are still occasionally found. The sword was built with it shortly after 1743, probably in response to the hostilities building up to the French and Indian War. It would serve equally well as a cutlass or infantry hanger. The significant differences in the group suggest that, rather than having been made commonly, they were produced by diverse smiths, to a published pattern, perhaps in a pattern book.